Patrones verbales de THAT

Verbos seguidos de un objeto indirecto y la clausura THAT

Algunos verbos (generalmente los relacionados con informes) pueden ir seguidos de un objeto indirecto más una cláusula que actúa como el objeto directo:

advise - assure - convince - inform - persuade - promise - remind - tell - warn
  • He told us THAT it would take a long time.
  • Not: He told THAT it would take a long time.
  • He convinced everyone THAT the new road would be good for the town.
  • The school informed George THAT he had passed the entry test.
Los verbos también se pueden usar sin THAT: 
  • She convinced me I was wrong.

Verbo + THAT

Algunos verbos relacionados con informes pueden ir seguidos de una cláusula que actúa como objeto directo. 

accept - admit - agree - announce - assume - believe - check - claim - comment - complain - confirm - consider - decide - discover - doubt - expect - explain - feel - find (out) - forget - guess - hear - hope - imagine - insist - know - mean - mention - notice - pretend - promise - prove - realise - reckon - remark - remember - repeat - reply - say - see - show - state - suggest - suppose - think - understand
  • Everyone agrees THAT we have to act quickly.
  • It’s easy to forget THAT she’s just a child.
  • Recent research proves THAT global warming is already a reality.
A menudo dejamos de lado estos vebos, especialmente en le habla informal. A esto a veces se le llama zero-that. Esto es especialmente comun luego de: guess, think, hope y reckon:
  • I think he’s on holiday this week.
  • I reckon it’s going to be a long, hot summer.

Adjetivo + THAT

Usamos "be + adjective + THAT" para expresar opiniones y sentimientos. Algunos adjetivos que se usan comúnmente de esta manera son: sure, certain, right, important, afraid, pleased, sorry, surprised, worried. Podemos omitir THAT sin cambiar el significado:
  • It’s important (that) we look at the problem in more detail.
  • I’m sure (that) you’ll know a lot of people there.
  • They were afraid (that) we were going to be late.

Sustantivo + THAT

Usamos "sustantivo + THAT" para expresar opiniones y sentimientos, amenudo sobre certeza y posibilidad. Algunos sustantivos que se usan comúnmente de esta manera son: belief, fact, hope, idea, possibility, suggestion, statement, claim, comment, argument:
  • He is also having intensive treatment in the hope that he will be able to train on Friday.
  • Dutch police are investigating the possibility that a bomb was planted on the jet.

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